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OGLFT::MonochromeTexture Member List
This is the complete list of members for OGLFT::MonochromeTexture, including all inherited members.
- active_
- addAuxiliaryFace(const char *filename)
- addAuxiliaryFace(FT_Face face)
- advance(void) const
- advance_
- ascender(void)
- background_color_
- backgroundAlpha(void) const
- backgroundBlue(void) const
- backgroundGreen(void) const
- backgroundRed(void) const
- BASELINE enum value
- BOTTOM enum value
- CENTER enum value
- character_display_lists_
- character_rotation_
- characterDisplayLists(void)
- characterRotationX(void) const
- characterRotationY(void) const
- characterRotationZ(void) const
[inline, virtual]
- compile(const char *s)
- compile(const QString s)
- compile(unsigned char c)
- compile(const QChar c)
- COMPILE enum value
- compile_mode_
- compileMode(void) const
- descender(void)
- draw(const char *s)
- draw(const QString s)
- draw(unsigned char c)
- draw(const QChar c)
- draw(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, unsigned char c)
- draw(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, QChar c)
- draw(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, const char *s)
- draw(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, const QString s)
- draw(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, const QString &format, double number)
- Face(const char *filename, float point_size=12, FT_UInt resolution=100)
- Face(FT_Face face, float point_size=12, FT_UInt resolution=100)
- faces_
- foreground_color_
- foregroundAlpha(void) const
- foregroundBlue(void) const
- foregroundGreen(void) const
- foregroundRed(void) const
- GDLCI typedef
- GDLI typedef
- glyph_dlists_
- glyph_texobjs_
- GlyphCompileMode enum name
- GlyphDLists typedef
- GlyphTexObjs typedef
- GTOCI typedef
- GTOI typedef
- height(void) const
- horizontal_justification_
- HorizontalJustification enum name
- horizontalJustification(void) const
- IMMEDIATE enum value
- isValid(void) const
- LEFT enum value
- measure(unsigned char c)
- measure(const QChar c)
- measure(const char *s)
[inline, virtual]
- measure(const QString &format, double number)
[inline, virtual]
- OGLFT::Face::measure(const QString s)
- MIDDLE enum value
- MonochromeTexture(const char *filename, float point_size=12, FT_UInt resolution=100)
- MonochromeTexture(FT_Face face, float point_size=12, FT_UInt resolution=100)
- nearestPowerCeil(unsigned int a)
- ORIGIN enum value
- point_size_
- pointSize(void)
- resolution(void)
- resolution_
- RIGHT enum value
- rotation_offset_y_
- rotation_reference_face_
- rotation_reference_glyph_
- setAdvance(bool advance)
- setBackgroundColor(GLfloat red=1.0, GLfloat green=1.0, GLfloat blue=1.0, GLfloat alpha=0.0)
- setBackgroundColor(const GLfloat background_color[4])
- setBackgroundColor(const QRgb background_color)
- setCharacterDisplayLists(const DisplayLists &character_display_lists)
- setCharacterRotationReference(unsigned char c)
- setCharacterRotationX(GLfloat character_rotation_x)
- setCharacterRotationY(GLfloat character_rotation_y)
- setCharacterRotationZ(GLfloat character_rotation_z)
- setCompileMode(enum GlyphCompileMode compile_mode)
- setForegroundColor(GLfloat red=0.0, GLfloat green=0.0, GLfloat blue=0.0, GLfloat alpha=1.0)
- setForegroundColor(const GLfloat foreground_color[4])
- setForegroundColor(const QRgb foreground_color)
- setHorizontalJustification(enum HorizontalJustification horizontal_justification)
- setPointSize(float point_size)
- setResolution(FT_UInt resolution)
- setStringRotation(GLfloat string_rotation)
- setVerticalJustification(enum VerticalJustification vertical_justification)
- string_rotation_
- stringRotation(void) const
- Texture(const char *filename, float point_size=12, FT_UInt resolution=100)
- Texture(FT_Face face, float point_size=12, FT_UInt resolution=100)
- TOP enum value
- valid_
- vertical_justification_
- VerticalJustification enum name
- verticaljustification(void) const
- x_
- y_
- z_
- ~Face(void)
- ~MonochromeTexture(void)
- ~Texture(void)
Generated at Fri Jul 12 10:47:15 2002 for OGLFT by written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001